Thomas Simpson Cooke
Tom Thomas Simpson Cooke
(Dublino 1782, Londra 26/2/1848)
PAGINE : 1 | 2 | 3 |
Abou Hassan
(Londra, Drury Lane, 4/4/1825)
Cry To-day and Laugh To-morrow
(Londra, Drury Lane, 29/11/1816)
David Rizzio
(Londra, Drury Lane, 17/6/1820)
Frederick the Great, or The Heart of a Soldier
(Londra, Lyceum Theatre, 4/8/1814)
Frightened to Death!
(Londra, Drury Lane, 27/2/1817)
Gustavus III, or The Masked Ball
(Londra, Covent Garden, 13/11/1833)
Isidore de Merida, or The Devil's Creek
(Londra, Drury Lane, 29/11/1827)
Lestocq, or The Fête of the Hermitage
(Londra, Covent Garden, 21/2/1835)
(Londra, Drury Lane, 28/1/1826)
(Londra, Drury Lane, 4/5/1829)
Peleus and Thetis
(Dublin, 1797)
Sweethearts and Wives
(Londra, Little Theatre, Haymarket, 7/7/1823)
PAGINE : 1 | 2 | 3 |