Thomas Carl Whitmer


"Rouen Cathedral, the West Portal and Saint-Romain Tower, Full Sunlight, Harmony in Blue and Gold" (1893), oil on canvas, 107 x 73 cm, of the painter Claude Monet, contemporary of Whitmer (Musee d'Orsay, Paris)


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The musician Thomas Carl Whitmer was born in Altoona on the 24th June 1873, the same year of the composers Arakishvili, Bell, Bersa, Bloch, Brogi, Castéra, Dickinson, Fall, Haile, Howland, Hugo, Kacsóh, Keller, Letorey, Mikorey, Moor, Petrauskas, Pérez Casas, Rabaud, Rabl, Rakhmaninov, Rasse, Roger-Ducasse, Serrano, Tcherepnin, Ujj. Died in Poughkeepsie on the 30th May 1959

project Whitmer (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Thomas Carl Whitmer


"Oh Isabel" was performed in 1951


"The last invocation" (At the last, tenderly), published in 1928, text of Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

"Darest thou now, O soul" (Darest thou now O soul), published in 1928, text of Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

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