Alec (Lafayette Chew) Wilder
Alexander Alec (Lafayette Chew) Wilder
(Rochester, NY 16/2/1907, Gainesville, Fla. 22/12/1980) LIBRETTI A STAMPA
Herman Ermine in Rabbit Town
Kittiwake Island
(Interlochen, 7/8/1954)
Miss Chicken Little
Rachetty Pachetty House
The Churkendoose
The Impossible Forest
(Westport, 13/7/1958)
The Long Way
(Nyack, 3/6/1955)
The Lowland Sea
(Montclair, 8/5/1952)
The Opening
The Tattooed Countess
The Truth about Windmills
(Rochester, 14/10/1973)