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Jeno Zádor
Eugene Jeno Zádor
(Bátaszék 5/11/1894, Los Angeles 4/4/1977) LIBRETTI A STAMPA
PAGINE : 1 | 2 |
A holtak szigete
(Budapest, 29/3/1928)Asra
(Budapest, 15/2/1936)Christoph Columbus
(New York, 8/10/1939)Diana
(Budapest, 22/12/1923)Revisor
(1928)Revisor (rev)
(Los Angeles, 11/6/1971)The Awaking of Sleeping Beauty
(Saarbrücken, 1931)The Magic Chair
(Baton Rouge, 14/5/1966)The Scarlet Mill
(New York, 26/10/1968)The Virgin and the Fawn
(Los Angeles, 24/10/1964)X-mal Rembrandt
(Gera, 24/5/1930)Yehu, a Christmas Legend
(Los Angeles, 1974)PAGINE : 1 | 2 |