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Thomas Attwood
(Londra 23/11/1765, Londra 24/3/1838) LIBRETTI A STAMPA
The Adopted Child
(Londra, Drury Lane, 1/5/1795)The Birth of the Prince of Wales
(Londra, Haymarket, 12/8/1793)The Castle of Sorrento
(Londra, Haymarket, 13/7/1799)The Devil of a Lover
(Londra, Covent Garden, 17/3/1798)The Escapes, or The Water-carrier
(Londra, Covent Garden, 14/10/1801)The Fairy Festival
(Londra, Drury Lane, 13/5/1797)The Hermione, or Valour's Triumph
(Londra, Covent Garden, 5/4/1800)The Irish Tar, or Which is the Girl?
(Londra, Haymarket, 24/8/1797)The Mariners
(Londra, Haymarket, 10/5/1793)The Mouth of the Nile, or The Glorious First of August
(Londra, Covent Garden, 25/10/1798)The Packet Boat, or A Peep Behind the Veil
(Londra, Covent Garden, 13/5/1794)The Poor Sailor, or Little Ben and Little Bob
(Londra, Covent Garden, 29/5/1795)TESTI DEI LIEDER