"Chalk Cliffs on Rugen" (1818), oil on canvas, 90.5 x 71 cm, of the painter Caspar David Friedrich, contemporary of Gläser (Stiftung Oskar Reinhart)

Franz Gläser

Franz Gläser


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

project Gläser (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Neoclassical period

Franz (Joseph) Gläser (Glaeser), who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Horni Jiretin on the 19th April 1798, the same year of the composers Andries, Batton, Costa, Dessauer, Gassner, Griesbach, Linley, Lvov, Reissiger. Died in Copenaghen on the 29th August 1861

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Aurora" has been performed in carnival 1830 in Berlino

"Die Brautschau auf Kronstein" has been put on the stage in carnival 1830 in Berlino

"Andrea" has been put on the stage in carnival 1830 in Berlino

"Des Adlers Horst" was performed on the 29th of December 1832 in Berlino (Königstädtisches-Theater)

"Bryllupet vet Como-søen" was performed in Copenaghen on the 29th of Jenuary 1849

"Nøkken" was performed in Copenaghen on the 12nd of February 1853

"Den forgyldte svane" was performed on the 17th of March 1854 in Copenaghen


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