"Arlecchino Emperor in the Moon" (1708), oil on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, of the painter Jean-Antoine Watteau, contemporary of Graupner (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes)

Christoph Graupner

Christoph Graupner


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Christoph (Johann) Graupner, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Kirchberg on the 13rd Jenuary 1683, the same year of the composers Bouvard, Ceruti, Heinichen, Rameau. He died in Darmstadt on the 10th May 1760

project Graupner (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Baroque

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Dido, Königin von Carthago" has been represented in Amburgo in 1707

"Il fido amico, oder Der getreue Freund Hercules und Theseus" was performed in Amburgo in 1708

"L'amore ammalato: Die Krankende Liebe, oder Antiochus und Stratonica" was performed in Amburgo in 1708

"Bellerophon, oder Das in die preussische Krone verwandelte Wagenstirn" was performed on the 28th of November 1708 in Amburgo

"Der Fall des grossen Richters in Israel, Simson, oder Die abgekühlte Liebesrache der Deborah" was performed in 1709 in Amburgo

"Berenice und Lucilla, oder Das tugendhafte Lieben" was performed on the 4th of March 1710 in Darmstadt

"Telemach" was performed in Darmstadt on the 16th of February 1711

"La costanza vince l'inganno" was performed in Darmstadt in 1715

"Adone" has been represented in Darmstadt in 1719


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