Jan Dawid Holland


"The Swing" (1766), oil on canvas, 64 x 81 cm, of the painter Jean Honore Fragonard, contemporary of Holland ( Wallace collection, London)


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The musician Jan Dawid (Johann David) Holland, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in St Andreasberg on the 17th March 1746, the same year of the composers Bárta, Cambini, Grazioli, Hook, Lachnith, Mica, Quesne, Rauzzini, Rochefort, Stefani, Uber, Ullinger, Umlauf. He died in Vilnius on the 26th December 1827

project Holland (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of late Baroque

Jan Dawid Holland


"Cudzy majatek nikomu nie sluzy" has been put on the stage in carnival 1780 in Varsavia

"Agatka czyli Przyjazd pana" was performed on the 17th of September 1784 in Nieswiez

"Pan dobrý jest ojcem poddanych" (r. Agatka) was performed on the 17th of July 1796 in Lvov

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


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