Karel Miry


"The Evening of the Deluge" (1843), oil on canvas, 78.5 x 78 cm, of the painter Joseph Mallord William Turner, contemporary of Miry (Tate Gallery, London)


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The musician Karel Miry was born in Ghent on the 14th August 1823, the same year of the composers Arrieta y Corera, Barbieri, Doss, Dütsch, Gastinel, Genée, Kettenus, Lalo, Reyer. He died in Ghent on the third October 1889

project Miry (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism

Karel Miry


"Wit en zwart" was performed in Ghent on the 18th of Jenuary 1846

"Brigitta" was performed in Ghent on the 27th of June 1847

"Anne Mie" was performed on the 9th of October 1853 in Antwerpen

"La Lanterne magique" was performed on the 10th of March 1854 in Ghent

"Karel V" was performed in Ghent on the 29th of Jenuary 1857

"Bouchard-d'Avesnes" was performed in Ghent on the 6th of March 1864

"Maria van Boergondië" was performed on the 28th of August 1866 in Ghent

"De Keizer Bij de Boeren" was performed on the 29th of October 1866 in Ghent

"De occasie maakt den dief" was performed on the 24th of December 1866 in Ghent

"Frans Ackermann" was performed on the 13rd of October 1867 in Bruxelles

"Brutus en Cesar" was performed in Ghent on the 14th of October 1867

"Le Mariage de Marguerite" was performed on the 27th of November 1867 in Ghent

"Een engel op wacht" was performed on the 8th of December 1869 in Bruxelles

"La Saint-Lucas" was performed in Ghent on the 17th of February 1870

"Het Driekoningenfeest" was performed in 1870 in Bruxelles

"De dichter en zijn droombeeld" was performed in Bruxelles on the 2nd of December 1872

"De twee zusters" has been represented in 1872 in Brussels

"Muziek in t'huisgezin" was performed in 1873

"Het arme kind" was performed in 1874 in Ghent

"De kleine patriot" was performed in Bruxelles on the 23rd of December 1883

"La Napolitaine" was performed in Antwerpen on the 25th of February 1888

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