Johann Nepomuk Poissl


"Bartolome Sureda y Miserol" (1803), oil on canvas, 119.7 x 79.4 cm, of the painter Francisco Goya, contemporary of Poissl (National Gallery of Art, Washington)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Johann Nepomuk Poissl, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Haukenzell on the 15th February 1783, the same year of the composers Benvenuti, Gallenberg, Kienlen. He died in Monaco on the 17th August 1865

project Poissl (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Neoclassical period

Johann Nepomuk Poissl

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Die Opernprobe" was performed on the 23rd of February 1806 in Monaco (Hoftheater)

"Antigonus" was performed on the 12nd of February 1808 in Monaco (Hoftheater)

"Ottaviano in Sicilia" was performed on the 30th of June 1812 in Monaco (Hoftheater)

"Aucassin und Nicolette" was performed on the 28th of March 1813 in Monaco (Hoftheater)

"Athalia" was performed in Monaco on the 3rd of June 1814 (Hoftheater)

"Der Wettkampf zu Olympia oder Die Freunde" was performed in Monaco on the 21st of April 1815 (Hoftheater)

"Dir wie mir oder Alle betrügen" was performed in 1816

"Nittetis" was performed in Darmstadt on the 29th of June 1817

"Issipile" has been represented in 1818

"La rappresaglia" was performed in Monaco on the 7th of April 1820 (Hoftheater)

"Die Prinzessin von Provence" was performed in Monaco on the 23rd of Jenuary 1825 (Hoftheater)

"Der Untersberg" was performed on the 30th of October 1829 in Monaco (Hoftheater)

"Zaide" was performed on the 9th of November 1843 in Monaco (Hoftheater)


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