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Alexander Reinagle
(Portsmouth 23/4/1756, Baltimora 21/9/1809) LIBRETTI A STAMPA
The Double Disguise
(Philadelphia, 18/4/1800)The Italian Monk
(Arnold)(Philadelphia, 11/4/1798)
The Lucky Escape, or The Ploughman Turned Sailor
(C. Dibdin)(Philadelphia, 14/3/1796)
The Purse, or Benevolent Tar
(Arnold)(Philadelphia, 7/1/1795)
The Sailor's Daughter
(Philadelphia, 10/12/1804)The Savoyard, or The Repentant Seducer
(Philadelphia, 12/7/1797)The Sicilian Romance, or The Apparition of the Cliffs
(Philadelphia, 6/5/1795)The Spanish Barber, or The Fruitless Precaution
(S. Arnold)(Philadelphia, 7/7/1794)
The Travellers, or Music's Fascination
(D. Corri)(Philadelphia, 20/4/1807)