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William Shield
(Swalwell, Durham 5/3/1748, Brightling, Sussex 25/1/1829)LIBRETTI A STAMPA
The Choleric Fathers
(Londra, Covent Garden, 10/11/1785)The Cobbler of Casterbury
(Londra, Covent Garden, 27/4/1779)The Crusade
(Londra, Covent Garden, 6/5/1790)The Czar
(Londra, Covent Garden, 8/3/1790)The Enchanted Castle
(Londra, Covent Garden, 26/12/1786)The Farmer
(Londra, Covent Garden, 31/10/1787)The Flitch of Bacon
(Londra, Little Theatre, Haymarket, 17/8/1778)The Highland Reel
(Londra, Covent Garden, 6/11/1788)The Irish Mimick
(Londra, Covent Garden, 23/4/1795)The Italian Villagers
(Londra, Covent Garden, 25/4/1797)The Lad of the Hills
(Londra, Covent Garden, 9/4/1796)The Lord's Mayor
(Londra, Covent Garden, 25/11/1782)TESTI DEI LIEDER