Václav Trojan


"Drug Store" (1927), oil on canvas, 29 x 40 in, of the painter Edward Hopper, contemporary of Trojan (The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Václav Trojan was born in Plzen on the 24th April 1907, the same year of the composers Aubin, Badings, Bialas, Clarke, Contilli, Desportes, Donati, Elston, Felderhof, Gebhardt, Giacobbe, Goh, Gresák, Guarnieri, Hartig, Hasegawa, Hirao, Kaufmann, Klebanov, Kono, Koval, Kozina, Ley, Maconchy, Maizel, Muench, Palester, Phillips, Polgar, Regamey, Roos, Rosseau, Ránki, Saguer, Saygun, Siqueira, Soloviev-Sedoy, Spadavecchia, Van Durme. Died in Praga on the 5th July 1983

project Trojan (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900

Václav Trojan

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Kolotoc" has been represented in 1960 in Ostrava


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