"The Grand Canal, Venice" (1835), oil on canvas, 91.4 x 122.2 cm, of the painter Joseph Mallord William Turner, contemporary of Verbytsky (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) Mykhaylo Verbytsky |
Mykhaylo Verbytsky(1815-1870)The composer Mykhaylo Verbytsky, author of instrumental and vocal music, was born in Ulyuchi in 1815, the same year of the composers Boieldieu, Buzzolla, Glover, Krogulski, Løvenskjold, Pierson, Solera. He died in Mlyny on the 31th December 1870 project Verbytsky (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism OPERE"Podgoryane" has been represented in 1864 in L'vov
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