Raymond Wilding-White(1922-) |
"Black Fish" (1942), oil on canvas, 33 x 55 cm, of the painter Georges Braque, contemporary of Wilding-White (Musee national d'Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris) |
The musician Raymond Wilding-White, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Caterham on the 9th October 1922, the same year of the composers Amirov, Bekku, Bibalo, Bonfà, Eastwood, Feldbusch, Gal'inin, Hagerup Bull, Hamilton, Hurnik, Ito, Jarda, Jones, Korn, Lancen, Matej, Molchanov, Mácha, Nikolov, Olsen, Owen, Patachich, Raichev, Santos, Schuyt, Thienen, Thorne, Thybo, Toradze, Tranchell, Travis, Vagner. project Wilding-White (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900 Raymond Wilding-White OPERE"The Tub" was performed in 1952"Yerma" was performed in 1962
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