"The Isle of the Dead" (1880), oil on canvas, 111 x 155 cm, of the painter Arnold Boecklin, contemporary of Wurm (Kunstmuseum, Basle) Marie Wurm |
Marie Wurm(1860-1938) |
project Wurm (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism Marie Wurm was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Southampton on the 18th May 1860, the same year of the composers Akerberg (Åkerberg), Albeniz (Albéniz), Charpentier, Eymieu, Hansen, Hillemacher, Liepe, Loewengard, Mahler, Manolov, Marty, Paderewski, Reznicek, Rietsch (Löwy), Robyn, Statkowski, Tonning. He died in Monaco on the 21 Jenuary 1938 OPERE"Die Mitschuldigen" has been represented in Lipsia in 1923
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