"The danger is over"di Thomas Southerne (1660-1746)
The danger is over, the Battle is past,
The Nymph had her fears, but she ventur'd at last,
She try'd the encounter, and when it was done,
She smil'd at her folly, and own'd she had won.
By her Eyes we discover the Bride has been pleas'd;
Her blushes become her, her passion is eas'd;
She dissembles her joy, and affects to look down;
If she Sighs, 'tis for sorrow 'tis ended so soon.
Appear all you Virgins, both Aged and Young,
All you, who have carri'd that burden too long,
Who have lost precious time, and you who are loosing,
Betray'd by your fears between doubting, and chusing:
Draw nearer, and learn what will settle your mind:
You'l find your selves happy, when once you are kind.
Do but wisely resolve the sweet venture to run,
You'l feel the loss little, and much to be won.