"When first Amintas sued for a kiss"
di Thomas d'Urfey (1653-1723)

When first Amintas sued for a kiss,
My innocent heart was tender,
That though I push'd him away from the bliss,
My eyes declar'd my heart was won.
I fain an artful coyness would use,
Before I the fort did surrender,
But love would suffer no more such abuse
And soon, alas! my cheat was known.
He'd sit all day, and laugh and play,
A thousand pretty things would say;
My hand he squeeze, and press my knees,
'Till further on he got by degrees.
My heart, just like a vessel at sea,
Would toss when Amintas came near me,
But ah! so cunning a pilot was he,
Through doubts and fears he'd still sail on.
I thought in him no danger could be,
So wisely he knew how to steer me,
And soon, alas! was brought to agree
To taste of joys before unknown.
Well might he boast his pain not lost,
For soon he found the golden coast,
Enjoyed the ore, and touched the shore
Where never merchant went before.