"English bulls"di anonimo
Och! I have you not heard, Pat, of many a joke
Thats made by the wits gainst your own country folk;
They may talk of our bulls, but it must be confest,
That, of all the bullmakers, John Bull is the best.
Im just come from London, their capital town,
A fine place it is, faith, Im sorry to own;
For there you cant shew your sweet face in the street,
But a Bull is the very first man that you meet.
Now, I went to Saint Pauls, twas just after my landing.
A great house theyve built, that has scarce room to stand in;
And there, gramachree! Wont you think it a joke,
The lower I whisperd, the louder I spoke!
Then I went to the Tower to see the wild beasts,
Thinking out of my wits to be frightend at least;
But these wild beasts I found standing tame on a shelf,
Not one of the kit half so wild as myself.
Next I made for the Bank, Sir, for there, I was told,
Were oceans of silver and mountains of gold;
But I soon found this talk was mere bluster and vapour
For the gold and the silver were all made of paper.
A friend took me into the Parliament house,
And there sat the Speaker as mum as a mouse,
For in spite of his name, wont you think this a joke tho,
The speaker he whom they all of them spoke to.
Of all the strange places I ever was in,
Wasnt that now the place for a hubbub and din.
While some made a bother to keep others quiet,
And the rest calld for Order meaning just, make a riot.
Then should you hereafter be told of some joke,
By the Englishmen made gainst your own country folk,
Tell this tale, my dear honey, and stoutly protest,
That of all the bullmakers, John Bull is the best.