"Because the rose"
di Richard Watson Gilder (1844-1909)

Because the rose must fade,
Shall I not love the rose?
Because the summer shade
Passes when winter blows,
Shall I not rest me there
In the cool air?

Because the sunset sky
Makes music in my soul,
Only to fail and die;
Shall I not take the whole
Of beauty that it gives
While yet it lives?

Because the sweet of youth
Doth vanish all too soon,
Shall I forget, forsooth,
To learn its lingering tune;
My joy to memorise
In those young eyes?

It, like the summer flower
That blooms---a fragrant death,
Keen music hath no power
To live beyond its breath,
Then of this flood of song
Let me drink long!

Ah, yes, because the rose
Fades like the sunset skies;
Because rude winter blows
All bare, and music dies---
Therefore, now is to me