Home Page » opera » john » john_ecclesL.html LIBRETTI A STAMPA John Eccles (Londra 1668, Hampton Wick 12/1/1735) TESTI DEI LIEDER "A nymph and a swain"di William Congreve (1670-1729) (opus for Love) "Ah, whither shall I fly"di Anonimo"Find me a lonely cave"di Anonimo"I gently touched her hand"di Anonimo"If I hear Orinda swear"di William Burnaby (1672/3-1706) "Nature framed thee"di William Congreve (1670-1729) "Oh! Take him gently"di Anonimo"Restless in thought"di Anonimo"So well Corinna likes the joy"di George Granville Lansdowne, Baron (1667-1735) "Sylvia, how could you"di John Dryden (1631-1700) "The foolish maid"di John Crowne (1640?-1712) "Ye gentle gales"di Anonimo