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Lingua Inglese
Read the following passage and then carry out the analysis. Follow
the activity chart that is given. Post your analysis in the chat.
A Modest Proposal
This is an extract from A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children
of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country,
and for Making them Beneficial to the Public.
The Number of Souls in Ireland being usually reckoned one Million and
a half; of these I calculate there may be about Two hundred Thousand Couples
whose Wives are Breeders; from which Nuumber I subtract thirty thousand
Couples, who are able to maintain their own Children; although I apprehend
there cannot be so many, under the present Distress of the Kingdom; but
this being granted, there will remain an Hundred and Seventy Thousand
Breeders …
After reading the passage from “A Modest Proposal”, answer
the following questions:
1. Highlight the details which refer to the condition of the Irish poor.
2. List the details which refer to the attitude and policy of the ruling
class towards the poor and summarize them with your own words
3. How would you describe the mentality of the writer? In what terms does
he deal with the problem of Irish poverty?
4. How would you describe the style used by Swift: factual, figurative,
bombastic, emotional?
5. What is Swift’s tone and how do the elements discussed bring
it out?
6. What is the message conveyed by the satirical work to:
a. The ruling class
b. The Irish people?
7. According to H.W. Fowler’s definition, the motive of satire is
amendment, its province morals and manners,
its method accentuation, and its audience the self-satisfied. Do you agree
with this definition? Give reasons for your answer.
8. Explain the immorality of the Restoration.
Storia dell’Arte
Scheda riassuntiva sull’opera di Hogarth
Come abbiamo già fatto con altre opere di altri autori, per fissare
i dati e i concetti più importanti vi consiglio di seguire questa
Ancora meglio se le vostre annotazioni le fate in lingua inglese
Autore: ...
Nome dell’opera: ...
data, tecnica impiegata, dimensioni, luogo di conservazione: ...
Breve descrizione iconografica e iconologia dell’opera: ...
Breve biografia dell’autore: ...
Annotazione di importanti eventi storici coevi all’autore: ...
Un piccolo suggerimento
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su Hogarth ricchi di notizie e immagini
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