
"Cups and boxes" (1951), oil on canvas, 22.5 x 50 cm, of the painter Giorgio Morandi, contemporary of Gaslini (Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Giorgio Gaslini


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Giorgio Gaslini was born in Milano on the 22nd October 1929, the same year of the composers Bloch, Bohác, Bredemeyer, Buenaventura, Cannon, Denisov, Devreese, Farberman, Glebov, Hoddinott, Kersters, Kohoutek, Kopytman, Kunz, Leighton, Londra, Mamangakis, Mamiya, Mayuzumi, Mestres-Quadreny, Nelson, Pousseur, Previn, Schäffer, Sculthorpe, Terteryan, Turok, Tüzün.

project Gaslini (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of 1900


"Jab Jazz Pocket Opera" has been represented in Sanremo in 1965

"Una specialità delle Cantine Verità" was performed in 1967 in Milano

"Ode per Naomi Ginsberg" was performed in Lecco in 1968

"Un quarto di vita" was performed in 1968 in Parma

"Colloquio con Malcolm X" has been represented in Genova in 1970

Giorgio Gaslini


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