Pierre van Maldere


"Tarquin and Lucretia" (1750), oil on canvas, 140 x 103 cm, of the painter Giambattista Tiepolo, contemporary of Maldere (Staatsgalerie am Shaezler-Palais, Staedtische Kunstsammlungen Augsburg)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The musician Pierre van Maldere was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Bruxelles on the 16th October 1729, the same year of the composers Adlgasser, Deller, Gassmann, Monsigny, Sales, Sarti, Tomeoni. He died in Bruxelles on the first November 1768

project Maldere (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of late Baroque

Pierre van Maldere

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Le Déguisement pastorale" was performed in Vienna on the 12nd of July 1756 (Schönbrunn Schlosstheater)

"Les Amours champêtres" was performed on the 5th of November 1758 in Vienna (Schönbrunn Schlosstheater)

"Les Précautions inutiles" was performed in 1760

"Les Soeurs rivals" was performed in 1762

"La Bagarre" was performed on the 10th of February 1763 in Parigi (Théâtre - Italien)

"Le Médecin de l'amour" was performed in 1766 in Bruxelles

"Le Soldat par amour" was performed in Bruxelles on the 4th of November 1766


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