Rudolf Raimann


"The Luncheon of the Boating Party" (1881), oil on canvas, 129.5 x 172.7 cm, of the painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, contemporary of Raimann (The Phillips Collection, Washington)


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The musician Rudolf Raimann was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Veszprem on the 7th May 1861, the same year of the composers Arensky, Arroyo, Averkamp, Blon, Bossi, Bréville, Caryll, Gastaldon, Gerlach, Jones, Lazarus, Loeffler, Lorenzi-Fabris, Meyer-Helmund, Missa, Samaras, Savard, Suk, Thuille. He died in Vienna on the 26th September 1913

project Raimann (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Rudolf Raimann


"Enoch Arden" was performed on the 8th of May 1894 in Budapest

"Das Waschermädel" was performed in Vienna on the 19th of April 1905

"Paula macht alles" was performed in Vienna on the 27th of March 1909

"Die Frau Gretl" was performed in Vienna on the 7th of April 1911

"Unser Stammhalter" was performed on the 15th of November 1912 in Vienna

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