
"Contes barbares" (1902), oil on canvas, 130 x 89 cm, of the painter Paul Gauguin, contemporary of Sandby (Museum Folkwang, Essen)

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

Hermann Sandby


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

The composer Hermann Sandby, who wrote music for orchestra, chamber and vocal music, was born in Kundby on the 21 March 1881, the same year of the composers Alaleona, Barlow, Bartók, Bisquertt, Blumer, Cadman, Dresda, Eggen, Enescu, Gilse, Kazuro, Le Flem, Napoli, Rogowski, Savine, Schneider-Trnavský, Schryock, Valente. He died in Copenaghen on the 14th December 1965

project Sandby (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Hermann Sandby


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