"Inquisition Scene" (1816), oil on canvas, 46 x 73 cm, of the painter Francisco Goya, contemporary of Wade (Royal Academy of San Fernando, Madrid) Joseph Augustine Wade |
Joseph Augustine Wade(1796-1845) |
project Wade (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Neoclassical period Joseph Augustine Wade was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Dublino in 1796, the same year of the composers Aubéry du Boulley, Balbi, Berwald, Conti, Hutschenruyter, Loewe, Mangold, Pacini, Panseron. Died in Londra on the 15th July 1845 OPERE"The Two Houses of Granada" was performed on the 31th of October 1826 in Londra (Drury Lane)"The Convent Belles" was performed on the 8th of July 1833 in Londra (Adelphi Theatre) "The Pupil of Da Vinci" was performed on the 30th of November 1839 in Londra (St.James) 's Theatre)
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