H(ermann) W(olfgang Sartorius) Freiherr von Waltershausen(1882-1954)
"Contes barbares" (1902), oil on canvas, 130 x 89 cm, of the painter Paul Gauguin, contemporary of Waltershausen (Museum Folkwang, Essen) The musician H(ermann) W(olfgang Sartorius) Freiherr von Waltershausen was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Göttingen on the 12nd October 1882, the same year of the composers Abranyi (Ábrányi), Atanasov, Bergh, Bimboni, Bingham, Braunfels, Coates, Daffner, Farmer, Gnesin, Hageman, Kodály, Konjovic, Kricka, Kálmán, Laliberté, Lattuada, Lendvay, Lyford, Malipiero, Marinuzzi, Nef, Nerini, O'Hara, Pick-Mangiagalli, Powell, Radó, Safranek-Kavic, Saminsky, Stravinsky, Szymanowski, Turina y Perez. Died in Monaco on the 13rd August 1954 project Waltershausen (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism H(ermann) W(olfgang Sartorius) Freiherr von Waltershausen OPERE"Else Klapperzehen" was performed on the 15th of May 1909 in Dresda"Oberst Chabert" was performed on the 18th of Jenuary 1912 in Francoforte sul Meno "Richardis" was performed on the 14th of November 1915 in Karlsruhe "Die Rauensteiner Hochzeit" was performed in 1919 in Karlsruhe "Die Gräfin von Tolosa" has been represented in 1958
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