"Chateau Noir" (1904), oil on canvas, 73.6 x 93.2 cm, of the painter Paul Cezanne, contemporary of David (The Museum of Modern Art, New York)

Karl Heinrich David

Karl Heinrich David


ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD

project David (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Late Romanticism

Karl Heinrich David was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in St Gall on the 30th December 1884, the same year of the composers Benatzky, Boero, Boulnois, Ferrari-Trecate, Gruenberg, Koczalski, Lambert, Launis, Liuzzi, Meulemans, Piskácek, Rangström, Rytel, Rózycki, Toni, Ugarte. He died in Nervi (Italia) on the 17th May 1951

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Die Bundesburg" has been represented in 1914 in Berne

"Aschenputtel" was performed on the 21st of October 1921 in Basle

"Der Sizilianer" was performed on the 22nd of October 1924 in Zürich

"Jugendfestspiel" was performed on the 8th of June 1926 in Zürich

"Traumwandel" was performed on the 29th of Jenuary 1928 in Zürich

"Weekend" was performed in 1933

"Tredeschin" has been represented in 1937


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