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"Bazille's Studio; 9 rue de la Condamine" (1870), oil on canvas, 98 x 128.5 cm, of the painter Frederic Bazille, contemporary of Fanciulli (Musee d'Orsay, Paris) Francesco Fanciulli(1850-1915)The composer Francesco Fanciulli was born in Porto San Stefano on the 17th July 1850, the same year of the composers Brandts Buys, Bretón y Hernández, Faning, Fibich, Georges, Heuberger, Jordan, Keil, Komzák, Lange-Müller, Luigini, Meyer-Olbersleben, Miguez, Olsen, Scharwenka, Scontrino, Serrano y Ruiz, Simon, Taneyev, Thomas, Thomé, Toulmouche, Urspruch. He died in New York on the 17th July 1915 project Fanciulli (Deeper articles)Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism OPERE"Priscilla" was performed on the 1st of November 1901 in NorfolkFrancesco Fanciulli
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