Francis Thomé


"Bazille's Studio; 9 rue de la Condamine" (1870), oil on canvas, 98 x 128.5 cm, of the painter Frederic Bazille, contemporary of Thomé (Musee d'Orsay, Paris)

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The musician Francis (François Luc Joseph) Thomé was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Port Louis on the 18th October 1850, the same year of the composers Brandts Buys, Bretón y Hernández, Fanciulli, Faning, Fibich, Georges, Heuberger, Jordan, Keil, Komzák, Lange-Müller, Luigini, Meyer-Olbersleben, Miguez, Olsen, Scharwenka, Scontrino, Serrano y Ruiz, Simon, Taneyev, Thomas, Toulmouche, Urspruch. He died in Parigi on the 16th November 1909

project Thomé (Deeper articles)

Music examples MIDI ed Mp3 of Romanticism

Francis Thomé

ItalianOPERA: sheet music, free MIDI, MP3 - DVD


"Martin et Frontin" has been performed in Parigi in August 1877

"Le Caprice de la reine" has been performed in April 1892 in Cannes

"Vieil air, jeune chanson" was performed on the 13rd of December 1893 in Parigi (Galerie Vivienne)

"Le Château de Koenigsberg" was performed on the 22nd of April 1896 in Parigi (Théâtre de l'Opéra-Comique)

"Le Chaperon rouge" was performed on the 7th of April 1900 in Parigi (Théâtre de l'Odéon)


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